Women’s representation
Men are overrepresented in all of Scotland’s democratic bodies. There are multiple barriers to women – particularly women of colour, disabled women and LGBTI+ women – accessing politics.
This is also true in other positions of power in Scotland, such as senior staff in the judiciary, education, public bodies, unions, cultural institutions, and other areas of influence.
Despite action to see more women appointed, public sector boards are still dominated by white men, and women report being ignored and undermined in these roles.
Explore the Equal Representation in Politics toolkit website here. The Toolkit is a free, comprehensive and easy-to-use set of resources for members of political parties to assess and enhance their current practice around accessibility, diversity and inclusivity. It includes a self-assessment tool, in-depth guidance, tailored action plans and the opportunity for users to access further bespoke support.
Engender Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Proposal to Allow Proxy Voting for Councillors
Dec 13, 2024: The Scottish Government recently carried out a consultation on allowing proxy voting for local councillors. Women remain underrepresented in local politics at just 35% of councillors in Scotland. Introducing more flexible ways of working - like proxy voting - is essential to ensure more diverse participation in local politics.
equalrepresentation womensrights politicsEngender Parliamentary Briefing: Empowering Young People’s Voices in Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls
Dec 5, 2024: This is a briefing sent to MSPs ahead of the Scottish Government debate on ‘Empowering Young People’s Voices in Tackling Violence Against Women and Girls’ as a chance to highlight our work on primary prevention. Girls and women across Scotland continue to experience violence at endemic levels. The 16 Days campaign is a reminder that gender-based violence must not be an inevitable part of growing up in Scotland. A Scotland free from violence and abuse is possible. The only way to achieve this is to fund prevention work that stops this violence before it gets the chance to occur by tackling the root cause: gender inequality. We ask MSPs to call on the Scottish Government to invest in primary prevention of VAWG.
Date of publication: December 2024.
vawg primaryprevention youngwomenWhy we need better data collection to improve women’s representation
Blog – Dec 4, 2024: We’ve written to the Minister of State for Women and Equalities, Annelise Dodds MP, calling on the UK Government to enact Section 106 of the Equality Act 2010.
equalrepresentation politics womensrightsWomen's Equal Representation in Scotland - Towards a Collective Theory of Change (Phase 1 Interim Report)
Jul 25, 2024: Engender and Elect Her have been working to map the equal representation landscape in Scotland and to develop a collective theory of change to support individual and collective efforts. This interim report summarises the background to this process, the learning from the workshop, and indicates the next steps in creating a framework for achieving our shared vision of women’s equal representation in Scotland.
We hope that this document, in this interim form, will be useful for all organisations and stakeholders working on women’s equal representation and for those with a role to play in achieving it. We hope it is useful for strategic planning around this topic, individually and collectively, and can be a useful basis for measuring impact.
Date of publication: July 2024.
politics equalrepresentation womensrepresentation intersectionality womensrightsEngender Parliamentary Briefing Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill Stage 1 Debate
Jul 4, 2024: This is a briefing sent to MSPs ahead of the Stage 1 debate on the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill. Engender supports the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill’s intentions to increase the participation of marginalised groups in Scotland’s democratic processes. However, the Bill should be strengthened at Stage 2 to maximise its impact on the representation and participation of women (and others who experience barriers to participation) in elections.
Date of publication: June 2024
equalrepresentation politics womensrights sexandpowerGeneral Election 2024 - Why we need equal representation of women in politics
Blog – Jun 19, 2024: Why we’re calling for action on quotas and better data collection about our candidates.
engendernews equalrepresentation ge2024 politics quotasGeneral Election 2024?– What’s in it for women??
Blog – Jun 10, 2024: We’re calling on candidates to commit to taking action on four key areas for women if elected – and we need your help.
abortion asylum engendernews equalrepresentation ge2024 health politics socialsecurityEngender Supplementary Evidence to the Scottish Parliament Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee on the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill
Jun 6, 2024: It is vital that our democratic bodies represent the full breadth of Scottish society and that decision-making reflects the diverse needs and experiences of Scotland’s communities. We were grateful for the opportunity to provide written evidence on the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill at Stage 1. In addition to the points raised in our submission and in our response to the Scottish Government’s March 2023 Consultation, we wish to bring this further evidence to the Committee’s attention for consideration at Stage 1.
Date of publication: June 2024.
equalrepresentation politicsBefore the Ballot - Why Candidate Assessment is a crucial step on the journey to more equal representation in politics
Blog – Mar 26, 2024: With partners in the Equal Representation Coalition, Engender is launching a brand new chapter of the Equal Representation in Politics Toolkit focusing on Candidate Assessment.
data equalrepresentation intersectionality politicsEngender Response to the Scottish Parliament Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee Call for Views on the Scottish Elections (Representation and Reform) Bill
Mar 13, 2024: It is vital that our democratic bodies represent the full breadth of Scottish society and that decision-making reflects the diverse needs and experiences of Scotland’s communities. We want to work with the Committee to ensure the Bill is as strong as possible in furthering women and other marginalised group’s political participation and representation. However, we would like to raise our concerns about the limited nature of some specific provisions in the Bill and ask the Committee to consider further action that can be taken to progress equal representation in Scottish
Date of publication: March 2024
equalrepresentation politics sexandpowerEngender Parliamentary Briefing International Women’s Day 2024 - #InspireInclusion
Mar 7, 2024: Ahead of this year’s Scottish Government International Women’s Day debate, we ask all MSPs to #InspireInclusion by highlighting the action still required to achieve equal representation for women and all marginalised people in public, cultural and political life. In the majority of spaces where decisions are made, men remain dominant while women are excluded, and as a result, sexism is perpetuated across public life.
iwd sexandpower womensrights media equalrepresentationAn Overview of VAWG and the Role of Public Policy in Scotland in Prevention
Nov 28, 2023: This briefing paper examines the prevalence of VAWG and gender inequality in Scotland and highlights the urgent need for integration of a primary prevention approach within the Scottish policy landscape. VAWG is not only a justice or equalities policy issue, but one that all policymakers – regardless of their area of work – must play a role in preventing and ultimately eradicating.
Date of publication: November 2023
vawg primaryprevention mainstreaming socialsecurity politicsWalking Away: Why Women Are Leaving Their Positions As Councillors
Sep 27, 2023: An exploration of key factors turning women off from local politics.
Date of publication: September 2022.
equalrepresentation, politicsMaking Local Politics Work for Women: The experiences of women local councillors and their reasons for not seeking re-election
Sep 27, 2023: A student research report on retention rates of women councillors, including insights from interviews with women councillors who stepped down in 2022.
Date of publication: September 2022.
equalrepresentation, politicsReading into the News: A Review of Gender Representations of Politicians in the May 2022 Elections in the Scottish News
Sep 27, 2023: This research critically examines women politicians’ representations in the May 2022 election news.
Date of publication: September 2022.
equalrepresentation, politicsWhat Women Want (from their Elected Representatives)
Sep 27, 2023: A quick “how-to” guide helping local councillors ensure the needs and concerns of women are central to local decision making.
Date of publication: September 2023.
equalrepresentation, politicsMaking It Happen For 2027: Transforming Local Democracy For Women
Sep 27, 2023: This leaflet contains recommendations for those in power on what can be done to achieve gender-equal representation in local politics.
Date of publication: September 2022.
equalrepresentation, politicsGUEST POST: Do we need diversity quotas in film?
Blog – Aug 9, 2023
guest blog media quotas studentplacementWhere are the women? Nearly 500 women are ‘missing’ from key positions of power in Scotland
Blog – Jul 18, 2023
equalrepresentation health media politicsApply now for our Board Pioneer Programme
Blog – Jun 22, 2023
engendernews equalrepresentation feministgovernanceCost of Living Crisis: The hidden cost of politics
Blog – Apr 27, 2023
cost of living equalrepresentation guestblogEngender response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Electoral Reform
Mar 15, 2023: Engender weclomes this opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government consultation on electoral reform. Everyone should have the right to participate in elections fairly and freely. We’re clear that this also means that at the same time as expanding rights, we need to increase support and protection for those most likely to experience barriers to participation – including women, Black and minoritized people, disabled people and LGBTI people – to allow a diversity of voices to be included in decision-making and ensure the health of our democracy for all.
Date of publication: March 2023.
equalrepresentationMaking it Happen for 2027: Transforming Local Democracy for Women
Blog – Sep 26, 2022: “Making it Happen for 2027: Transforming Local Democracy for Women” is a call to action aimed at building a future where women's equal representation on councils is realised.
equalrepresentation makingithappen politicsEngender Response to Committee inquiry into the Gender Recognition Reform (Scotland) Bill
May 27, 2022: Our views in support of the proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act remain unaltered. We have previously provided detailed feedback through consultation responses to the Scottish Government in 2020 and in coalition with several of our partners in the women’s rights sector in
We are responding to this consultation primarily due to the links that have been made in public debate, media and elsewhere, between reform of the application process for a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRCs) and women’s equality and rights. We will endeavour to address the Committee’s stated areas of interest in this response. However, beyond the potential intersection of GRCs and the realisation of women's equality and rights, we only have limited comments to make as many of the Bill's provisions and Committee's consultation interests relate to areas of law and policy that do not fall within our remit.
Date of Publication: May 2022
gra trans equalityactGUEST POST: Looking Deeper: Black and Minority Ethnic Women in the Scottish Parliament
Blog – May 13, 2022
data politics studentplacementGUEST POST: Who are the conversation starters in the Scottish Parliament when it comes to marginalised women?
Blog – May 11, 2022
data politics studentplacementGUEST POST: Which women are visible in the Scottish Parliament?
Blog – May 10, 2022
data politics studentplacementWhy we need data to achieve equal representation in politics
Blog – May 5, 2022
equalrepresentation politicsGUEST POST: Women’s Representation in the Scottish Local Council Elections 2022: What We Know So Far
Blog – May 4, 2022
equalrepresentation guestblog politicsGUEST POST: Supporting women to stand for political office
Blog – May 3, 2022
data equalrepresentation politicsGUEST POST: Why we need diverse representation now
Blog – Apr 27, 2022
data equalrepresentation politicsGUEST POST: Young women's political representation
Blog – Apr 7, 2022
data equalrepresentation youngwomenGUEST POST: Women and Local Council Elections in Scotland
Blog – Mar 23, 2022
data equalrepresentation politics studentplacementData & Equality in Politics
Blog – Mar 17, 2022: Engender’s Equal Representation Development Officer Jessie Duncan is kicking us off with an introduction to some of the key issues around data and elections, and why gathering data is vital to achieving equal representation.
data equalrepresentation politicsJanuary 2022 - Policy Round Up
Blog – Feb 1, 2022
covid19 engendernews equalrepresentation genderrecognitionact nacwg socialsecurityEngender Response to Scottish Government Data Improvement Proposal
Jan 21, 2022: At present women are underrepresented at all levels of politics. The current lack of robust, detailed and intersectional data on who our representatives are is a major barrier to progress in terms of gender parity in our political institutions at both local and national levels. Without this information it is very difficult to fully understand the cause of (and possible solutions to) the chronic underrepresentation of women - as well as other minoritized groups, including Black and minority ethnic people, LGBTI+ people and disabled people.
It is well established that increased diversity in politics has a positive impact on all aspects of public life. Diverse representation increases participation and engagement in the democratic process, and the inclusion of diverse voices enriches and enhances policy outcomes for us all. We therefore welcome the Scottish Government’s plan to collect data on the protected characteristics of candidates standing for election, in the hopes that the introduction of a framework for collecting this data will be a crucial step in addressing the persistent inequalities which exist within political representation in Scotland.
Date of publication: January 2022
equalrepresentation politicsEngender response to the Scottish Parliament Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee’s Call for Views on understanding barriers to participation in politics
Nov 18, 2021: Women are underrepresented at all levels of political decision-making, and this is most extreme at the local level where only 29% of councillors in Scotland are women. Vital decisions in many areas disproportionately impacting women’s lives are made by councils - for instance women are more likely to be employed in social care or education, and more likely to be users of public transport - however their voices are largely absent from these conversations.
Diverse representation improves democratic engagement, increases participation in elections, and enriches policy decision-making. In order to create better outcomes, it is vital that women are able to fully participate in local politics.
Date of publication: November 2021.
equalrepresentation politics publiclifeEngender and Close the Gap Joint briefing on the impact of Covid-19 on young women
Nov 12, 2021: This briefing looks at the impacts of Covid-19 on young women’s employment, financial security, and mental health in Scotland. It uses data from a joint survey on young women developed by Close the Gap, Engender, the UK Women’s Budget Group, Fawcett Society, Women’s Equality Network Wales, and Northern Ireland Women’s Budget Group.
This paper analyses survey data gathered from 501 young people aged 18 to 30 in Scotland and a booster sample of 266 Black and minority ethnic (BME) young people. Key findings reinforce evidence, gathered over the course of the pandemic, that young women have been particularly affected by rising financial precarity and anxiety as a result of the ongoing crisis. The findings also align with evidence from previous crises which indicates that economic downturns tend to have particularly detrimental effects on younger workers.
Date of publication: November 2021
covid-19 youngwomen employmentSupporting Political Parties to achieve Equal Representation in Politics
Blog – Aug 12, 2021
equalrepresentation politicsApply to our new Board Pioneer Programme
Blog – Jun 24, 2021: Engender is launching our new Board Pioneer Programme offering an opportunity to get involved in feminist governance and see how a board works. Find out more in this blog from our Communications & Admin Assistant Maxine.
engendernews feministgovernanceGUEST POST: Sex, Relationships and Parenthood – A Network Supporting Young Women and Girls with a Learning Disability
Blog – May 20, 2021
disability guestblog healthGUEST POST: Exploring how local authorities use Equality Impact Assessments
Blog – May 5, 2021
equalrepresentation guestblog studentplacementA supplementary gender edit of parties running in 2021
Apr 28, 2021: Engender has published a Gender Edit of the Manifestos published by each of the 5 parties elected to the Scottish Parliament in 2016, each of which is running in at least every region. This can be found here: https://www.engender.org.uk/content/publications/A-Gender-Edit-of-Party-Manifestos-2021.pdf
This document is a supplementary gender edit of the manifestos (where published) of the 20 other parties running at the Scottish Parliament election in 2021. Given the number of parties running, we have summarised each party’s commitments as they relate to women and gender equality and Engender’s Manifesto themes in an alphabetical list below. We have however not included every commitment that could be thematically related where the party itself has not made some reference to women or gendered considerations.
Date of publication: April 2021
A Gender Edit of Party Manifesto 2021
Apr 28, 2021: Ahead of the Scottish Parliament elections on the 6th May 2021, political parties have published commitments in manifestos covering a broad range of devolved policy areas. This gender edit contains a list of commitments made that explicitly reference women’s equality, or which are directly associated with Engender’s asks in our Vision for a Feminist Recovery Manifesto.
While many other areas or commitments will be of great interest to women such as policies around rent, primary health care or climate change measures, for example, unless the party themselves has noted a specific commitment to advance women’s equality or rights we have not included them in this particular summary. Nor have we included commitments for which power and responsibility rests with Westminster or, in the main, those that take the form of broad statements expressing positive attitudes towards equality without a substantive commitment.
This gender edit covers each of the five parties elected in 2016. A supplementary document summarising the commitments of the other 20 parties running for election in 2021 can be found here: https://www.engender.org.uk/content/publications/A-Supplementary-Gender-Edit-of-Party-Manifestos-2021.pdf
Date of Publication: April 2021
GUEST POST: Racism - We reject #NotAll, We demand #NotAtAll
Blog – Apr 16, 2021
equalrepresentation guestblog racismGUEST POST: Gender representation within Local Authorities
Blog – Apr 9, 2021
equalrepresentation guestblog studentplacementEngender response to the Scottish Government consultation on Adult Disability Payment
Apr 7, 2021: Engender welcomes this opportunity to comment on the Scottish Government’s draft regulations for the new Adult Disability Payment (ADP). We have been engaged on work around gender and social security since the 2010 programme of “welfare reform” and over that period we have sought to highlight the ways in which women and women’s equality, safety, access to resources and human rights are all affected by the design and delivery of social security.
Date of publication: April 2021.
socialsecurity disability womensrightsGUEST POST: Women and decision-making in local authorities
Blog – Apr 5, 2021
equalrepresentation guestblog studentplacementEngender Parliamentary Briefing: Scottish Government Debate: International Women’s Day 2021: #ChooseToChallenge
Mar 3, 2021: Engender welcomes this opportunity to mark International Women’s Day 2021 with this briefing and the Parliament’s debate, which this year coincides with a year since the introduction of public health restrictions in the wake of Covid-19. This year’s theme ‘#ChooseToChallenge”, urges people to call out and challenge gender bias and inequality. Women’s inequality with men demands structural and targeted responses with the aim of disrupting women’s subordination and exclusion in policy, practice, and everyday life. This means understanding the reality of women’s lives, the specific barriers to equality women face, and how multiple forms of discrimination intersect with one another. There is a need to go further and faster to challenge sexism and inequality, unpaid and invisible labour, gender-based violence and harassment, and the undervaluation of women’s work.
Date of publication: March 2021.
womensrights equalrepresentation cedaw covid19Engender response to the Scottish Parliament Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee consultation on Code of Conduct changes to give effect to the recommendations of the Joint Working Group on Sexual Harassment and Sexist Behaviour
Feb 1, 2021: Engender is pleased to respond to the Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee consultation on Code of Conduct changes to give effect to the recommendations of the Joint Working Group on Sexual Harassment and Sexist Behaviour. We continue to support Parliament taking any step open to it to ensure that robust accountability and support systems are in place to prevent sexual harassment, support women who report sexist and sexual harassment, and enable widespread and lasting culture change to realise women’s right to participate fully in political and public life on equal terms with men.
Date of publication: February 2021.
vaw womensrights politicsGUEST POST: Decriminalisation of Abortion for a Modern Scotland
Blog – Jul 23, 2020
abortion guestblog health youngwomenGUEST POST: Being a Black Woman in Scotland: A Unique and Complex Experience
Blog – Jun 19, 2020
BlackLivesMatter media mental health race sexualharassmentGUEST POST: Some thoughts on issues BAME women, including immigrants, face in the UK
Blog – Mar 13, 2020
employment guestblog health intersectionality raceOur Bodies Our Rights - speech from Christina McKelvie MSP
Blog – Mar 10, 2020
disability health ourbodiesourightsSex and Power 2020
Jan 17, 2020: Sex and Power 2020 sets out the extent of men's over-representation in positions of power in Scotland.
Date of publication: January 2020
representationGender Edit of General Election 2019 Manifestos
Dec 4, 2019: This document is a ‘gender edit’ of the manifestos published by political parties in the run up to the snap General Election on 12th December; it pulls out relevant commitments from the manifestos of each of the six largest political parties standing in the General Election in Scotland. The edit includes direct references to ‘women’, ‘sex’, ‘gender’ and ‘equality’, as well as manifesto commitments covering a wide range of policy areas and services of interest to women and which are highly relevant to women’s daily lives. This summary does not offer analysis or critique of policies and commitments.
Date of publication: December 2019.
ge2019 politics equalrepresentation faireconomy womensrightsEngender Parliamentary Briefing: Charities, Scotland and Holyrood
Oct 30, 2019: This is a briefing ahead of the Scottish Parliament Member's Business Debate on Charities, Scotland and Holyrood on 30th October 2019. Scotland has a thriving and politically engaged women’s sector, comprising organisations that work both independently and collectively to call for substantive changes in policy and practice to advance women’s rights and equality. This briefing highlights just some of the major successes of our campaigning and advocacy work since the Scottish Parliament’s establishment.
Date of publication: October 2019.
engendernews politics genderpaygap equalrepresentation cedawProtecting Scotland's Future: Programme for Government 2019-2020
Blog – Sep 4, 2019
genderedit politicsEngender response to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on Implementation of the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Act 2018
Aug 6, 2019: This document is a response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on implementing the Gender Representation on Public Boards Act 2018. Engender has actively engaged with the Gender Representation on Public Boards Act (the Act) initially recommending as part of our Smith Commission engagement that powers be devolved to enable temporary special measures in Scotland to increase women’s representation. We continued to engage throughout the Bill process and remain strongly committed to the Act’s aspirations.
Date of publication: August 2019.
quotas equalrepresentation publiclife sexandpowerGuest Post: Exploring contraception as a feminist issue
Blog – Jul 24, 2019
disability guestblog health larc womensrightsGuest Post: Contraception information and consent - two sides of the same coin?
Blog – Jul 4, 2019
abortion disability guestblog health larc womensrightsGuest Post: Hyper-sexualising queer women is a social injustice - it's time to change the narrative
Blog – Jun 26, 2019
equalrepresentation guestblog lgbt mediaGuest Post: Why contraception needs a Me Too moment
Blog – Jun 21, 2019
abortion disability guestblog health larc womensrightsMenopause Matters: Share your experience in our survey
Blog – Jun 12, 2019
care disability health menopauseEngender Response to the European Commission: Public consultation on Gender equality in the EU – current situation and priorities for future
Jun 4, 2019: This is an Engender response to the European Commission's public consultation to gather opinions of different actors of the current situation of gender equality in the EU and priorities for the next five years.
Date of publication: June 2019.
faireconomy international equalrepresentation womensrightsEngender response to the Scottish Government consultation on disability assistance in Scotland
Jun 3, 2019: Engender has been engaged on work around gender and social security since the 2010 programme of Welfare reform and over that period we have sought to highlight the ways in women, who are twice as likely to rely on social security for their income, have been systemically and grotesquely disadvantaged by reforms.
We therefore welcome this opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on the future of devolved disability assistance within Social Security Scotland. In the UK, women are a small majority of disabled people and, as a group, disabled women are amongst the very hardest hit by welfare reform.
Date of publication: June 2019.
disabledwomen socialsecurity womensrights faireconomyScotland & the European Elections: What's in it for women?
May 17, 2019: This document contains a summary of commitments made in Scottish party manifestos for the 2019 European Elections that are relevant to Engender's work in advancing and enabling women's equality.
Date of publication: May 2019.
womensrights brexit international equalrepresentationEngender note on Equally Safe: A consultation on legislation to improve forensic medical services for victims of rape and sexual assault
May 8, 2019: This is a note contributing to the Scottish Government’s Consultation on legislation to improve forensic medical services for victims of rape and sexual assault. As a policy and advocacy organisation, Engender works to secure women’s rights and we are ambitious in our aspiration to see a gender-equal Scotland for all women and girls.
Engender works closely with our colleagues across the women’s sector including Scotland’s violence against women organisations. We face a shared task given that violence against women is a cause and consequence of women’s inequality, but we have specific areas of expertise and focus. We are therefore responding to this consultation only where we have additional evidence to share about the experience of disabled and learning disabled women. On the wider issue we are pleased to endorse the evidence and analysis of Rape Crisis Scotland.
Date of publication: May 2019.
disabledwomen ourbodiesourrights vawgEngender Parliamentary Briefing: Condemnation of Misogyny, Racism, Harassment and Sexism
Mar 28, 2019: Engender welcomes this Scottish Parliament Debate on Condemnation of Misogyny, Racism, Harassment and Sexism and the opportunity to raise awareness of the ways in which women in Scotland’s inequality contributes to gender-based violence.
Harassment and other forms of violence against women and girls (VAWG) are both a cause and a consequence of women’s inequality. Through our policy and advocacy work we have drawn attention to the multitude of ways in which women’s inequality persists in Scotland and without concerted action to address these, attitudes and actions which replicate sexism and create the conducive context for men’s violence will continue.
Date of publication: March 2019.
Engender Parliamentary Briefing: Census (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill Stage 1 Debate February 2019
Feb 28, 2019: Engender briefing ahead of the debate on the Census (Amendment) (Scotland) Bill. The following briefing highlights our support for the general principles of the Bill at Stage One as well as the emerging consensus around amending the language of ‘gender identity’.
Date of publication: February 2019
womensrights psed lgbtProxy voting and making politics work for women
Blog – Feb 1, 2019
equalrepresentation labourmarket politicsGender Matters and #GenerationEqual: Shifting the needle on equality for women and girls
Blog – Feb 1, 2019
cedaw childcare engendernews gendermattersroadmap media quotas womensrightsGuest post: Reflections on the Intersection Between Race and Gender in Public Life
Blog – Dec 3, 2018
guestblog intersectionality media politics raceEngender Response to the Scottish Government Consultation Protecting Children: Review of section 12 of the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937 and section 42 of the Sexual Offences (Scotland) Act 2009
Nov 14, 2018: Engender welcomes this opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on proposed changes to section 12 of the Children and Young Persons (Scotland) Act 1937 and to outline some of our current research relevant to the potential impacts.
The question of a correct approach to a legislative response to emotional neglect is outwith the scope of our expertise. We are generally supportive of updating the current offence in section 12 in order to better reflect more modern understandings of emotional harm in line with the views of Scottish Women’s Aid. However, we believe that without careful scrutiny and drafting there may be unintended consequences for vulnerable parents.
Date of publication: November 2018.
Our bodies our rights - Identifying and removing barriers to disabled women's reproductive rights in Scotland
Nov 6, 2018: Since 2013, Engender has been working with disabled women and disabled people’s organisations on a project to discuss the key issues facing women and girls in Scotland, and to enable a deeper and richer conversation about reproductive rights.
This report summarises what women have told us about their experiences of reproductive, sexual and parental rights, and makes recommendations to the Scottish Government and other bodies. Throughout the report you will see quotes from women who took part in project activities.
Date of publication: November 2018.
disability health womensrightsDisabled women’s reproductive rights routinely ignored
Blog – Nov 6, 2018
disability engendernews health womensrightsOur Bodies, Our Rights Easy Read Report
Nov 6, 2018: This is an Easy Read version of our Disabled Women: Our Bodies, Our Rights Report.
Since 2013, Engender has been working with disabled women and disabled people’s organisations on a project to discuss the key issues facing women and girls in Scotland, and to enable a deeper and richer conversation about reproductive rights.
This report summarises what women have told us about their experiences of reproductive, sexual and parental rights, and makes recommendations to the Scottish Government and other bodies.
Date of publication: November 2018.
disability health womensrightsOur Bodies, Our Rights: Research Report
Nov 6, 2018: Disabled women’s lives and lived experiences have received limited policy attention in the UK, limited visibility, and limited inclusion in mainstream feminisms and feminist projects. Despite increasing movement towards intersectionality and intersectional agendas, disabled people have remained hidden in myriad ways.
As the accompanying policy report ‘Our Bodies, Our Rights: Identifying and removing barriers to disabled women’s reproductive rights in Scotland’ details, there is a lack of robust research examining the lived experiences of reproduction and reproductive rights of disabled women in Scotland.
Date of publication: November 2018.
disability health womensrightsEngender Gender Edit of the Scottish Government Programme for Government 2018-19
Oct 5, 2018: This document is a ‘gender edit’ guide to the Scottish Government Programme for Government 2018-19. It provides excerpts which refer directly to women and gender, but also captures sections on equalities and social justice where women and girls in Scotland would be directly impacted.
Date of publication: September 2018.
What's in it for women? Programme for Government 2018-19
Blog – Oct 5, 2018
equalrepresentation genderpaygap politicsVisibly Invisible: Cultural representations of women with disabilites in contemporary scottish and uk media
Blog – Aug 20, 2018
disability guestblog mediaParliamentary Briefing: Sexual Harassment and Inappropriate Conduct in the Scottish Parliament
Jun 13, 2018: Engender has drafted a briefing for tomorrow’s parliamentary debate on the report by Standard, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee into sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct. In our briefing, we outline our support for certain measures recommended by the Committee, as well as share further action which could be taken to prevent, appropriately investigate, and sanction sexual harassment and inappropriate conduct.
politics sexism vawgEngender Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Electoral Reform
Mar 29, 2018: In December 2017, the Scottish Government launched its consultation on electoral reform. Among its many questions on the future of elections in Scotland, the Scottish Government has focused on possible reforms to anonymous voter registration as well as to improving gender balance in elected office.
Equal representation across politics and public life is a key issue within feminist agendas, and Engender has long advocated for women’s increased representation in both political and public life.
Date of publication: March 2018.
equalrepresentation publiclife quotasEngender joins equalities organisations to launch tool to improve political representation
Blog – Mar 15, 2018
engendernews equalrepresentationScottish Women's Sector Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Proposed Changes to the Gender Recognition Act
Mar 7, 2018: This is a joint response from national women's equality organisations Close the Gap, Engender, Equate Scotland, Rape Crisis Scotland, Scottish Women's Aid and Zero Tolerance to the Scottish Government's consultation on proposed changes to the Gender Recognition Act (2004).
In it, we express broad support for the Scottish Government proposals, confirm our view that the proposals won't undermine the safety and dignity of women accessing women-only services, and make some detailed recommendations around next steps
There will be an event on May 22nd at which all are welcome to come and discuss this consultation response. You can find out more information and book on our events page.
Date of publication: March 2018.
equalrecognition genderrecognitionactFrequently Asked Questions: Women’s Equality and the Gender Recognition Act
Jan 29, 2018: Engender, along with Scottish Women's Aid, Rape Crisis Scotland, Zero Tolerance, Equate Scotland, Close the Gap and the Women 5050 Campaign, have produced a document with frequently asked questions about women's equality and the Gender Recognition Act.
Date of publication: January 2018.
lgbt equalrecognition genderrecognitionactGender equality and the Sustainable Development Goals
Blog – Dec 14, 2017
education health international politics socialsecurityEngender Parliamentary Briefing: Gender Balanced Boards Stage 1 Debate November 2017
Dec 6, 2017: Engender briefing on the debate on the Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill. The following briefing highlights why the Bill, and further amendments, are needed to strengthen women's representation on public boards in Scotland.
Date of publication: November 2017.
quotas equalrepresentation publiclifeEngender Submission to the Scottish Parliament Equality and Human Rights Committee Call for Evidence on the Draft Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill
Sep 6, 2017: Engender welcomes the opportunity to respond to the call for evidence on the draft Gender Representation on Public Boards (Scotland) Bill.
As highlighted by Engender in its response to the call for written evidence on gender balancing measures on public boards in Scotland in 2014, policy changes are needed to tackle gender inequality across the public sector; to break down the barriers to women’s equal participation in public life; and to eliminate gender imbalance in leadership, authority and decision-making across public, political, social and cultural institutions.
Date of publication: September 2017.
quotas equalrepresentation politics publiclifeGender Matters in Disability Easy Read Briefing
Sep 1, 2017: Women’s issues are often overlooked by the disability movement. Disability issues are not at the centre of the women’s movement. How then, do disabled women get their issues raised?
Engender and Inclusion Scotland have been working together and with other partners to identify the particular issues of concern to disabled women in Scotland and how these could be addressed.
Date of publication: September 2017.
disability womensrightsGender Matters in Disability Briefing
Sep 1, 2017: Women’s issues are often overlooked by the disability movement. Disability issues are not at the centre of the women’s movement. How then, do disabled women get their issues raised?
Engender and Inclusion Scotland have been working together and with other partners to identify the particular issues of concern to disabled women in Scotland and how these could be addressed.
Date of publication: September 2017.
disability womensrightsGuest Post: #GE17 - Lorna Slater, Scottish Green Party
Blog – Jun 7, 2017
equalrepresentation ge2017 guestblogGuest Post: #GE17 - Nighet Nasim Riaz, Scottish National Party
Blog – Jun 1, 2017
equalrepresentation ge2017 guestblogGuest Post: #GE17 - Pam Duncan-Glancy, Scottish Labour
Blog – May 30, 2017
disability equalrepresentation ge2017 guestblogGuest Post: #GE17 - Kirstein Rummery, Women's Equality Party
Blog – May 25, 2017
equalrepresentation ge2017 guestblog vawgEngender joins equalities organisations working together to improve political representation
Blog – May 23, 2017
engendernews equalrepresentation#ScotSocialSecurity and why we need gender-balanced experience panels
Blog – Apr 11, 2017
equalrepresentation socialsecuritySex and Power in Scotland 2017
Mar 6, 2017: This report sets out the extent of men’s over-representation in positions of authority and influence in Scotland. In 2017, women still have unequal access to power, decision-making and participation throughout all areas of public life, with men holding 73% of the 3029 positions of power and authority identified.
Date of publication: March 2017.
sexandpower equality womensrights publiclife politics equalrepresentation quotas media sport artsEngender Submission to the UK Government Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry on Women in the House of Commons After the 2020 Election
Nov 16, 2016: Engender welcomes the opportunity to respond to this inquiry on women’s representation in the House of Commons. Women have unequal access to power, decision-making and participation across all areas of public life in the UK. This is the case in the House of Commons, where men’s over-representation still stands at 70%, and throughout the political pipelines that lead to elected office nationally. This means that women are not able to participate fully in society and to exercise equal citizenship in the UK.
Date of publication: November 2016.
quotas equalrepresentation politicsEngender Submission to the UK Government Women and Equalities Committee Inquiry on Women in the House of Commons after the 2020 Election
Nov 16, 2016: Engender welcomes the opportunity to respond to this inquiry on women’s representation in the House of Commons. Women have unequal access to power, decision-making and participation across all areas of public life in the UK. This is the case in the House of Commons, where men’s over-representation still stands at 70%, and throughout the political pipelines that lead to elected office nationally. This means that women are not able to participate fully in society and to exercise equal citizenship in the UK.
Whilst measures to erode the structural barriers that prevent women from entering into public office and to support women as candidates are also vital, these are simply not enough. If gender parity in our democratic institutions and gender equality more broadly are genuine political goals in the UK, then we must start moving towards a system of legal quotas to reduce men’s over-representation across public life.
Date of publication: November 2016.
quotas equalrepresentation5 things you should know about the Fairer Scotland Action Plan
Blog – Oct 7, 2016
equalrepresentation genderedit socialsecurityA Gender Edit of A Plan for Scotland: The Government's Programme for Scotland 2016-17
Sep 8, 2016: This document is a ‘gender edit’ guide to the Scottish Government’s Programme for Government 2016-17. It includes all extracts that refer directly to women and gender, and selected text on issues where there are clear implications for women and girls in Scotland, such as social security and unpaid care. The Programme for Government confirms the Scottish Government’s legislative programme for the opening year of the parliamentary term and it is worth noting that many of the policy and funding commitments set out are not new announcements.
Date of publication: September 2016.
genderedit politicsShared Statement of Ambition on Social Care launched
Blog – Jul 27, 2016
care disability engendernews womenGuest Post: Will 2016 be a high point for women’s representation at Holyrood?
Blog – May 5, 2016
equalrepresentation guestblog holyrood2016Everything you need to know about the gender commitments in the Holyrood 2016 manifestos
Blog – May 2, 2016
genderedit holyrood2016 politicsA Gender Edit of Major Party Manifestos for Holyrood 2016
Apr 30, 2016: A gender edit of all of the five main party manifestos, which pulls out commitments on issues relating to women's equality.
Date of publication: April 2016.
genderedit holyrood2016A Gender Edit of Supplementary Party Manifestos for Holyrood 2016
Apr 30, 2016: A gender edit of the Women's Equality Party, RISE, and UKIP manifestos for the 2016 Holyrood elections.
Date of publication: April 2016.
genderedit holyrood2016Guest Post: 2016 - A new opportunity for Scotland
Blog – Apr 7, 2016
devolution guestblog holyrood2016Equal Voice, Equal Power: the case for gender quotas in Scotland
Blog – Mar 16, 2016
equalrepresentation quotasEqual Voice, Equal Power: The Case for Gender Quotas in Scotland
Mar 16, 2016: Women have unequal access to power, decision-making and participation throughout all areas of public life in Scotland. In order to participate fully in society and to exercise equal citizenship, women must be able to contribute across the spectrum of civic life. Evidence from around the world shows that increased representation for women in politics has a positive impact on both gender equality issues and social policy more broadly. Gender balance in parliament, local government and around decision-making tables influences both the focus and outcomes of discussions.
This report sets out the case for gender quotas in Scotland; looking at international examples, analysing the current gender balancing mechanisms at play in Scotland, debunking some commonly held myths about quotas, and making recommendations to the Scottish Government and political parties.
Date of publication: March 2016.
quotas equalrepresentation politics publiclifeEngender joins call for political parties to support equal representation measures
Blog – Mar 16, 2016
engendernews equalrepresentationGuest Post: Social Care and Gender Equality: Independent Living in Scotland’s Dialogue on the Future Funding of Social Care
Blog – Mar 2, 2016
care disability guestblog holyrood2016Engender Calls for a Gender Equality in Business Scheme to promote women’s equality in the workplace
Blog – Feb 19, 2016
employment holyrood2016Time to drive gender equality home with robust legislation
Blog – Feb 8, 2016
equalrepresentation holyrood2016Engender Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on Civil Partnerships
Dec 18, 2015: Engender supports the retention and extension of civil partnerships in Scotland. Fundamentally this is an equality issue, for which there is clear demand from non-LGBTI and LGBTI people alike. Equality before the law, irrespective of sex, gender or sexual orientation is a vital baseline against which further progress towards LGBTI and gender equality can be made. As such, equal civil partnership is a matter of concern for Engender and our membership. We work towards equality for all women and men in Scotland and we take an intersectional approach to our advocacy for gender equality.
Date of publication: December 2015.
lgbt equalityEngender Response to the Scottish Government Consultation on the Introduction of Diversity Succession Planning for Board Appointments and the Lowering of the Threshold for Publishing Gender Pay Gap and Equal Pay Statements
Nov 30, 2015: Engender's response to the Scottish Government consultation on the introduction of diversity succession planning for board appointments and the lowering of the threshold for publishing gender pay gap and equal pay statements.
Date of publication: November 2015.
psed equalrepresentation quotas publiclife genderpaygap equalpayScottish Green Party Elections - Female Co-Convener Q&A
Blog – Nov 25, 2015
equalrepresentation politicsGender Matters Manifesto: Twenty for 2016
Oct 10, 2015: This manifesto sets out measures that, with political will, can be taken over the next parliamentary term in pursuit of these goals. The 2016 Scottish Parliament elections present an opportunity for political parties to show leadership on gender equality and take the bold action that is needed to truly address intractable problems like endemic violence against women, our unjust and unsustainable economy, social insecurity for women and multiple discrimination.
This manifesto is the result of consultation with women and equalities organisations across Scotland.
Date of publication: October 2015.
gendermattersroadmap holyrood2016Engender Submission to the Equal Opportunities Committee Inquiry on Race, Ethnicity and Employment
Jul 16, 2015: Engender's submission to the Equal Opportunities Committee inquiry on race, ethnicity and employment. Women’s disadvantage within the labour market is a key manifestation of gender inequality. Within this, women from black and minority ethnic (BME) communities face particular discrimination and challenges in accessing paid work.
Date of publication: July 2015.
race employment employability equality womensrightsGuest Post: To succeed we must achieve equality
Blog – Apr 27, 2015
equalrepresentation ge2015 guestblogGuest Post: “Leanne Wood, I would!” (Helpful Twitter Guy, 2015)
Blog – Apr 16, 2015
equalrepresentation ge2015 guestblogCracks in the Glass Ceiling or Just a Trick of the Light? New Report on Women on Boards
Blog – Feb 26, 2015
equalrepresentation ewl quotasScottish Labour Party Leadership Q&A with Engender November 2014
Nov 21, 2014: Candidates for the leader and deputy leader of the Scottish Labour Party answer questions on gender equality.
Date of publication: November 2014
politicsScottish Labour leadership contest: Q&A with Engender
Blog – Nov 20, 2014
equalrepresentation politicsGuest Post: Trans and intersex equality voice grows louder as largest conference in Scotland is held
Blog – Nov 6, 2014
equalrecognition guestblogGuest blog: Indyref, women and politics (Indyref Thursday #5)
Blog – Aug 21, 2014
equalrepresentation guestblog indyref politicsScotland's Futures: Women, Politics and Power
Aug 20, 2014: This briefing is part of a series that sets out how power and responsibility to tackle critical gender equality issues are divided between Holyrood and Westminster. It is part of Engender’s contribution to the independence referendum debate.
Date of publication: August 2014
Engender Parliamentary Briefing: Increasing Opportunities for Women Debate 2014
Aug 20, 2014: A briefing paper for MSPs in advance of the Scottish Government debate on increasing opportunities for women in the Scottish Parliament on 20 August 2014.
Date of publication: August 2014.
equalrepresentation employability employment labourmarket feministeconomics publiclifeEngender Repsonse to the Scottish Government Consultation on the Introduction of Gender Quotas on Public Sector Boards
Jul 4, 2014: Engender's response to the Scottish Government's consultation on gender quotas on public sector boards.
Date of publication: July 2014.
equalrepresentation quotas publiclifeWe celebrated IWD by talking about women's equality & Scotland's futures
Blog – Mar 18, 2014
care feministeconomics indyref iwd politics vaw womenWomen in Scotland: Facts and Stats 2012 Calendar
Mar 5, 2014: Women in Scotland calendar 2012: monthly facts and stats on women's inequality.
Date of publication: January 2012.
equality womensrights international publiclife politics genderpaygap care socialcare socialsecurity childcare vawgQuotas in the Scottish Parliament: Festival of Politics Briefing Paper
Mar 5, 2014: This briefing paper lays out Engender's position on parliamentary quotas. It was produced for the Festival of Politics, 2011.
Date of publication: July 2011.
quotas equalrepresentation publiclife politicsWomen Thinking Equality Series: Inequality of Access to NHS Services by Trans Women
Mar 5, 2014: This report is part of Engender's 'Women thinking equality' series on intersecting equalities issues. It outlines findings of participatory action research on the inequality of access to NHS services by trans women.
Date of publication: 2011.
equality lgbt womensrights healthPolitics in Your Pocket Resource
Mar 5, 2014: A pocket guide to gender inequality across political life in Scotland.
Date of publication: 2010.
politics poverty genderpaygap publiclife vawg austerityWomen Thinking Equality Series: Disability
Mar 5, 2014: This briefing paper on gender and disability presents findings from Engender's 'Women Thinking Equality' project.
Date of publication: 2009.
equality disability womensrightsWomen Thinking Equality Series: Race
Mar 5, 2014: This briefing paper on gender and race presents findings from Engender's 'Women Thinking Equality' project.
Date of publication: 2009.
equality race womensrightsWomen Thinking Equality Series: Sexual Orientation
Mar 5, 2014: This briefing paper on gender and sexual orientation presents findings from Engender's 'Women Thinking Equality' project.
Date of publication: 2009
equality lgbtWomen Thinking Equality Series: Transgender
Mar 5, 2014: This briefing paper on gender and transgender presents findings from Engender's 'Women Thinking Equality' project.
Date of publication: 2009.
lgbt equalityGender Audit Series: Participation in Political & Public Life
Mar 5, 2014: A summary and discussion of the implications of data from the Gender Audit of Statistics [Breitenbach,E. and Wasoff, F. Scottish Executive Social Research 2007] relating to care and caring prepared by S. Macpherson, Engender Associate and E. Thomson.
publiclifeEngender Response to the Christie Commission Consultation on the Future of Scotland’s Public Services
Mar 5, 2014: Engender's response to the Christie Commission on the future of Scotland's Public Services.
Date of publication: February 2011.
publiclife publicspace womensrightsEngender Consultation on Scottish Labour Party at Holyrood
Mar 5, 2014: The following notes were compiled following an informal discussion session, which took place on 22 September, involving a group of Engender members and inspired by input via email from others who were unable to attend that evening.
Date of publication: September 2009.
equalrepresentation genderbudgetanalysisEngender Response to the Government Equalities Office on Proposals for Extending the Provisions for Women-only Shortlists
Mar 5, 2014: Engender's response to the Government Equalities Office proposal on extending women-only shortlists.
Date of publication: October 2008.
quotas equalrepresentation politics publiclifeDownloads
Women's Equal Representation in Scotland - Towards a Collective Theory of Change (Phase 1 Interim Report) Engender and Elect Her have been working to map the equal representation landscape in Scotland and to develop a collective theory of change to support individual and collective efforts.
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