Engender blog
Welcome to Engender, Alys!
Alys has joined Engender as our new Communications and Engagement Officer, where she’ll be sending out mailings, running events, and making sure you’re up to speed with everything that’s happening in the wonderful world of gender equality campaigning! Before joining Engender she worked with Jubilee Scotland on the campaign to cancel global debt and at People & Planet helping students campaign against climate change. She studied at Cardiff University, where she was women’s officer at the student union, and is excited to be getting her teeth back into feminist campaigning again! You can contact Alys to chat about anything to do with her role.
We’re also excited to welcome our new officers who will guide our board of trustees and support the staff team; Nina Murray is our new Convener, Emily Thomson is taking on the role of Vice Convener and we’re delighted that Wendy Davies is staying on as our Treasurer and Company Secretary. You can read more about all of Engender’s board members on our website.
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