Engender blog
CEDAW reports launched
Last night we were pleased to launch our shadow report on the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW), at a reception at the Scottish Parliament hosted by Christina McKelvie MSP, newly appointed Minister for Older People and Equalities.
The reception marked Engender's 25th anniversary, and we were delighted that First Minister Nicola Sturgeon addressed the event, paying tribute to the work of Engender in advancing women's rights over the past quarter of a century.
As well as picking up copies of both the Scotland and the four-nations shadow reports, attendees at the Scottish Parliament had the opportunity to have their photo taken as CEDAW - the superhero for women. You can see some of the photos below (and see if you can spot the MSPs hiding behind the mask!)
You can find out more about our work on CEDAW here, including links to the submissions we received to our call for evidence from other organisations in Scotland. We will be travelling to Geneva in July to speak with the CEDAW committee subgroup tasked with leading on the UK examination, where we will be proposing some areas for them to focus on when the UK Government's oral examination happens in spring 2019. We'll keep you posted on that.
Our work on CEDAW was funded by the Equality and Human Rights Commission, one of the UK’s National Human Rights Institutions, but was developed independently, and therefore does not necessarily reflect the views of the Commission.
Read our Scotland CEDAW report here.
Read the four nations CEDAW report here.
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CEDAW: How can women's rights be better realised in Scotland?
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women (CEDAW) is a UN Convention which was signed by the United Kingdom in 1981, and ratified in 1986.
Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women Concluding Observations 2013 The concluding observations (recommendations) of the CEDAW Committee, following its examination of the UK in 2013.
Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW - four nations report
Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW.

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