The decisions made by local councils have a significant impact on women’s lives, from allocating spending on education and leisure, to deciding how and where public transport runs.
But only 24% local councillors in Scotland are women.
Of the 1,223 local councillors in Scotland, only four are BME women.
We want to help women around Scotland find out more about local councils, and we want to make sure local councillors know how to represent the women in their areas.
So, together with Women 5050, we've created resources which can be used by women across Scotland to explore what powers local councils have, and how we can have influence them
How can you get involved?
The workshop packs can be used by a group you're already a part of, with some pals, or just by yourself.
Order a free pack by emailing, or you can download and print the resources yourself below.
Download resources:
Feedback sheets (Black & white sheet 1 and sheet 2)
Activity sheets - council areas (Black & White sheet 1 and sheet 2)
Activity sheets - how should councillors represent you? (black & white version)
Engender response to the Scottish Parliament Local Government, Housing and Planning Committee’s Call for Views on understanding barriers to participation in politics Women are underrepresented at all levels of political decision-making, and this is most extreme at the local level where only 29% of councillors in Scotland are women.
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