In this section you'll find reports relating to international work, such as our submissions to the UN and responses to European Commission consultations.

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Seventh periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to ICESCR - Engender Shadow Report

Jan 20, 2023: This is Engender's shadow report to the 7th periodic report of the UK Government to the UN's Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This shadow report is supported by Back Off Scotland, Carers Scotland, Carers Trust Scotland, Close the Gap, Coalition of Carers in Scotland, Equate Scotland, Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland, Human Rights Consortium Scotland, Inclusion Scotland, National Carer Organisations, One Parent Family Scotland, Rape Crisis Scotland, Scottish Women’s Aid, Scottish Women’s Budget Group, Scottish Women’s Convention, Women’s Enterprise Scotland, YWCA Scotland - The Young Women’s Movement, and Zero Tolerance.

Date of publication: January 2023.

icescr, humanrights, vawg, womensrights
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CEDAW: Follow-up to Concluding Observations 4 nations report

Sep 17, 2021: This submission follows a four-nations shadow report produced for the UK examination in February 2019,1 and draws on evidence submitted by civil society organisations to Engender, Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform, Women’s Equality Network Wales and the Women’s Resource Centre in England. This interim shadow report focuses on the areas of concern indicated by the Committee (at paragraphs 13, 21 and 25).

However, since the CEDAW examination, the Covid-19 pandemic and continued austerity measures mean that women’s lives are likely to have worsened. We have therefore highlighted the impact of COVID-19 and violence against women to assist the Committee evaluate progress reported by the UK Government. We must stress that the UK government did not engage with any of the contributing organisations in the preparation of its report.

cedaw international
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CEDAW: Follow-up to Concluding Observations Scotland Report

Sep 17, 2021: This report follows Engender’s engagement with the eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to the UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). The Committee requires the UK Government to report on their progress on four recommendations of particular concern (at paragraphs 13, 21 a) and b) and 25) concerning incorporation, the impact of the UK’s departure from the EU (‘Brexit’) and an oversight mechanism for women’s participation in CEDAW at UK level.

Since the Committee made its observations, however, Scotland like the rest of the world has faced the crisis of the Covid-19 pandemic. Non-pharmaceutical interventions (NPIs) to control the spread of coronavirus were introduced from March 2020 and, while increasingly relaxed, continue to affect the daily lives of women in Scotland. We have therefore included an overview of the impact of the pandemic and concerns around violence against women.

cedaw international
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Engender UN Economic and Social Council High-level Segment Written Statement Submission 2021

May 6, 2021: Engender has submitted this written statement for the 2021 United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) High-Level Segment for non-governmental organisations in consultative status with ECOSOC. This year's priority theme is centred around sustainable and resilient recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic that promotes the economic, social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development.

Date of publication: May 2021.

international covid19 ecosoc
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CEDAW: a superhero for women in Scotland

Dec 18, 2019: Often referred to as the ‘women’s bill of rights’, the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Violence Against Women (CEDAW) is the UN’s human rights treaty devoted to women; it spells out in detail women’s human right to equality and non-discrimination, which states that have ratified it must then act to realise. CEDAW contains 30 articles, which include minimum standards for women’s rights in work, politics, marriage, education, the economy, and other areas.

This report sets out what happened during the UK's 8th CEDAW examination, and what it means for women's equality in Scotland.

Date of Publication: Dec 2019

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CEDAW UK Examination: annotated concluding observations

Mar 13, 2019: On March 8th 2019 the UN CEDAW Committee released their concluding observations following the UK examination in Geneva.

These concluding observations have been annotated by Engender with contextual information that may be of interest.

We have highlighted:

• Mentions of Scotland

• Concluding observation that reflects one of Engender’s key calls, either made through our Scotland shadow report or through the four-nations report produced with WEN Wales, NIWEP, and Women’s Resource Centre.

And added specific details which may be of interest.

cedaw genderedit
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4 nations shadow report: CEDAW

Feb 25, 2019: 4 nations of the UK shadow report to the Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW, the UN Convention on All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

Publication date: January 2019

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Scotland shadow report: CEDAW

Feb 25, 2019: Scotland shadow report to the Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW, the UN Convention on All Forms of Discrimination Against Women

Publication date: January 2019

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Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW - Scotland report

Jun 28, 2018: In 2018 Engender has worked to produce a shadow report on CEDAW, to highlight key issues for women's rights in Scotland.

Date of publication: June 2018

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Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW - four nations report

Jun 28, 2018: Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW.

This is a shadow report from the four nations of the UK. It was produced by Engender (Scotland), Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform, Women’s Equality Network Wales, Women’s Resource Centre (England).

Date of publication: June 2018

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Engender ICESCR Shadow Report

May 19, 2016: The sixth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to ICESCR.

Date of Publication: April 2016.

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Engender Refreshed Shadow ICESCR Report

Jun 14, 2016: Engender's refreshed shadow report to the 6th periodic report of the UK Government to the UN's Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This shadow report is supported by Close the Gap, Equate Scotland, Scottish Women's Budget Group, Scottish Women's Aid, Rape Crisis Scotland, Zero Tolerance, and SCVO.

Date of publication: April 2016.

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Engender Shadow ICESCR Report

Aug 28, 2015: Engender's shadow report to the 6th periodic report of the UK Government to the UN's Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. This shadow report is supported by Close the Gap, Equate Scotland, Scottish Women's Budget Group, Scottish Women's Aid, Rape Crisis Scotland, Zero Tolerance, and SCVO.

Date of publication: August 2015.

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UK Joint Committee on Women Response to the 2013 National Reform Programme

Mar 18, 2014: Each year, the European Women's Lobby asks national co-ordinations to comment on aspects of the individual European member state's National Reform Programme. This is the UK Joint Committee's response to the process that concluded in March 2014, which was drafted by Engender.

Date of publication: March 2014.

international ewl
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Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination Against Women Concluding Observations 2013

Mar 5, 2014: The concluding observations (recommendations) of the CEDAW Committee, following its examination of the UK in 2013.

Date of publciation: July 2013.

international cedaw
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Engender Shadow CEDAW Report

Mar 5, 2014: Engender's shadow report to the 7th periodic report of the UK Government to the UN's CEDAW Committee.

Date of publication: December 2012.

international cedaw
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Scottish NGO Commission on the Status of Women 57 Statement

Mar 5, 2014: This is a joint submission to the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) 57th meeting in 2012. The theme of CSW57 was violence against women.

Date of publication: November 2012.

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Engender CEDAW Pre-hearing Statement

Mar 5, 2014: Engender's statement to the pre-session working group, which took place in November 2012. This relates to the UK's examination by the CEDAW Committee in respect of its 7th periodic report.

Date of publication: October 2012.

international cedaw
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Engender Questions for CEDAW Examination of the UK

Mar 5, 2014: NGOs can submit questions to the CEDAW Committee in advance of the examination of their governments. These are the questions that Engender submitted prior to the examination of the UK.

Date of publication: September 2012.

international cedaw
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European Women’s Lobby General Assembly 2012 - Notes

Mar 5, 2014: Engender's notes of proceedings from the European Women's Lobby General Assembly in 2012.

Date of publication: August 2012.

international ewl
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Engender Statement on UN Universal Periodic Review (UPR)

Mar 5, 2014: Engender's statement to the UN's Universal Periodic Review process.

Date of publication: April 2012



Engender briefing on the public sector equality dutyEngender briefing on the public sector equality duty We are calling on the Scottish Government to revisit proposals on PSED reform, to expand the duties so that outcomes for people with protected characteristics are improved.

Engender Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Social Security in ScotlandEngender Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Social Security in Scotland Engender welcomes this opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on social security in Scotland.

Engender response to the Scottish Government consultation on A Human Rights Bill for ScotlandEngender response to the Scottish Government consultation on A Human Rights Bill for Scotland Engender welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on a Human Rights Bill for Scotland.

Gender Matters Manifesto: Twenty for 2016Gender Matters Manifesto: Twenty for 2016 This manifesto sets out measures that, with political will, can be taken over the next parliamentary term in pursuit of these goals.

What's Next? Women's Equality in Scotland 20 Years After the Beijing Platform for ActionWhat's Next? Women's Equality in Scotland 20 Years After the Beijing Platform for Action It is twenty years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was negotiated at the fourth world conference on women convened by the United Nations in China.

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