Here you will find reports on specific topics, such as abortion, employability, and social security. You can also find one-off publications like our Sex and Power report, and gender edits of Scottish Government policy papers like the budget.

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A Widening Gap: Women and Welfare Reform

Apr 27, 2015: Since 2010, £26 billion worth of cuts have been made to benefits, tax credits, pay and pensions. 85% of this has been taken from women’s incomes.

This is a joint report from Engender, Scottish Refugee Council, Scottish Women’s Aid, Close the Gap, and Scottish Council for Voluntary Organisations looking at the devastating impact of welfare report on women in Scotland.

Date of publication: April 2015.

austerity socialsecurity poverty
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Scotland's Futures: Women and Poverty

Jul 30, 2014: This briefing is part of a series that sets out how power and responsibility to tackle critical gender equality issues are divided between Holyrood and Westminster. It is part of Engender’s contribution to the independence referendum debate.

Date of publication: July 2014.

indyref poverty austerity socialsecurity
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Gender and 'Welfare Reform': A Joint Position Paper

Apr 1, 2014: This joint position paper on gender and ‘welfare reform’ draws together the multiple ways in which women are penalised by cuts to the benefits and tax credits system, and describes the gender inequality that accounts for these impacts. It also makes a set of recommendations to Scottish Government as it shapes its ‘mitigation’ response to the UK’s ‘welfare reform’ agenda. We produced it in collaboration with Close the Gap, Scottish Refugee Council, Scottish Women’s Aid, Scottish Women’s Convention and Zero Tolerance.

Date of publication: April 2014

austerity socialsecurity poverty
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Multiple Jeopardy? The Impacts of the UK Government’s Proposed Welfare Reforms on Women in Scotland Background Paper

Mar 5, 2014: This policy paper outlines the multiple ways in which women are set to be adversely impacted by the UK Government's 'welfare reform' agenda.

Date of publication: January 2012.

austerity socialsecurity poverty womensrights
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Multiple Jeopardy? The Impacts of the UK Government’s Proposed Welfare Reforms on Women in Scotland Briefing Paper

Mar 5, 2014: This briefing paper outlines the multiple ways in which women are set to be adversely impacted by the UK Government's 'welfare reform' agenda.

Date of publication: January 2012.

austerity socialsecurity poverty womensrights
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Politics in Your Pocket Resource

Mar 5, 2014: A pocket guide to gender inequality across political life in Scotland.

Date of publication: 2010.

politics poverty genderpaygap publiclife vawg austerity


Engender Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Social Security in ScotlandEngender Response to Scottish Government Consultation on Social Security in Scotland Engender welcomes this opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on social security in Scotland.

Engender response to the Scottish Government consultation on A Human Rights Bill for ScotlandEngender response to the Scottish Government consultation on A Human Rights Bill for Scotland Engender welcomes the opportunity to respond to the Scottish Government’s consultation on a Human Rights Bill for Scotland.

Gender Matters Manifesto: Twenty for 2016Gender Matters Manifesto: Twenty for 2016 This manifesto sets out measures that, with political will, can be taken over the next parliamentary term in pursuit of these goals.

What's Next? Women's Equality in Scotland 20 Years After the Beijing Platform for ActionWhat's Next? Women's Equality in Scotland 20 Years After the Beijing Platform for Action It is twenty years since the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action was negotiated at the fourth world conference on women convened by the United Nations in China.

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