Scottish Women's Rights Centre

c/o Rape Crisis Scotland, Tara House, 46 Bath St, Glasgow G2 1HG.


The SWRC offers women survivors of gender based violence free legal information and advice & in some cases we can assist with case work or representation.

Women who have experienced violence or abuse may have a wide range of legal issues including: separation / divorce, child contact, housing and benefits, accessing protective orders, assistance with reporting and the legal process. We can also assist with criminal injuries compensation and access to support and advocacy services.

The SWRC aims to ensure that women survivors of gender based violence are aware of and able to exercise their legal rights. We are committed to improving women's experiences of the justice process through the provision of training to professionals and contribution to policy and partnership approaches which address gender based violence.

Our services

  • Volunteering opportunities
  • Internship opportunities
  • Training
  • Advocacy
  • Legal advice
  • Helpline services

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