Links and networks
Engender works with women’s organisations in Scotland, across the UK, and in Europe.
Women’s organisations have always worked together to share information, resources, and campaigns. Engender is part of a number of different networks and coalitions.
Scottish women’s sector
Engender is very proud to be part of the women’s sector in Scotland.
Along with Scottish Women’s Budget Group, Glasgow Women’s Library, Rape Crisis Scotland, Scottish Women’s Aid, Women’s Support Project, Zero Tolerance, Close the Gap, Scottish Refugee Council’s Refugee Women’s Strategy Group, Equate Scotland, Women’s Enterprise Scotland, and Scottish Women’s Convention, we work to make women's voices heard.
We work with sister organisations on a whole range of projects and activities.
UK Joint Committee on Women (UKJCW)
The UK Joint Committee on Women (UKJCW) was formed as a ‘national co-ordination’ so that women in the UK could engage with the European Women’s Lobby, the largest European network of women’s associations.
Engender is Scotland’s member of the UKJCW. England is represented by the National Association of Women’s Organisations (NAWO); Wales by WEN Wales; and Northern Ireland by the Northern Ireland Women’s European Platform (NIWEP).
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