Here are some answers to the most frequently asked questions about Engender.
Why is individual membership only open to women?
Engender thinks that people of all genders are disadvantaged by sexism, but that women’s experience of sexism is distinct. We believe that it is valuable to provide space for women to come together to discuss their inequality, and to work creatively to challenge that inequality. Trans women are very welcome to become members of Engender and attend our women-only events. We support self-ID, and therefore welcome trans women, non-trans women, and those who identify as women.
Is Engender inclusive of all women?
We try to do all we can to ensure we are welcoming to all women who want to be involved in Engender. This includes black, minority and ethnic women, lesbian, bisexual and trans women, disabled women, refugee and asylum seeking women, women of all ages, carers, poorer women, and women of all faiths and none. We do this in a range of ways including holding events around the country, hosting webinars and online consultations, offering free membership to any woman, providing transport and childcare costs for events, and actively reaching out to groups who are often under-represented in the feminist movement.
We know there is always more that we can be doing to allow all women to be involved, and we are always happy to hear feedback on what we could be doing better, so please contact us on info@engender.org.uk if you have any comments or suggestions.
Who can come to your events?
Many of Engender’s events are open to the public, and everyone is welcome to attend, including men and non-binary people. We also hold women-only events, focus groups and consultations, as well as events which are only open to our members. Members often receive priority bookings for our events.
Most of our events are free of charge, and we can provide transport and caring costs.
Is Engender intersectional?
Engender believes feminism must be intersectional, and we strive to conduct all of our policy work using an intersectional lens. We work with a range of organisations to help us do this, and encourage partner organisations to recognise that all women’s lived experiences are different.
If you have any ideas or comments about how to ensure our work stays intersectional, or want to chat about how to make your own work more inclusive of all women, we’d love to hear from you! Contact Alys to share your views.
Not sure what intersectionality means? Check out this fantastic video from Akila Hughes:
Can I volunteer at Engender?
We really appreciate the fact that so many women want to volunteer their time and energy to Engender’s work. We are currently in the process of developing a volunteer programme to ensure that women are given a positive and enriching experience while volunteering with Engender.
If there is a particular aspect of work you are keen to explore, or expertise you can offer, please contact info@engender.org.uk.
Can I join the board?
All members of Engender are eligible to put themselves forward, or be nominated to join the board. Board members are elected at our AGM in November, and all members are notified of opportunities to stand in advance.
Where does Engender’s funding come from?
Engender received funding from various organisations, with the Scottish Government Equality Fund as our main grant funder. This funding does not require us to adopt any particular policy positions, and we have autonomy regarding the content and direction of our policy advocacy.
We also receive funding from charitable trusts for particular pieces of work, events and resources. We rely on membership payments, regular donations, and legacy giving to give us unrestricted funding to spend on our feminist work. You can find out more information about Engender’s finances in our Annual Reports.
I’m a member and would like to advertise my research / training / event to other members. Can I?
Yes! We send out a Friday Feminist Five email to members every week which contains a section on events and opportunities, as well as links to interesting research, blogs and articles. Email any information to us at info@engender.org.uk and we’ll put it in FFF or send it out on social media for you.
Got another question? Just email us at info@engender.org.uk
Page last updated 12th March 2019
Engender Annual Accounts 2018-2019 The full audited annual accounts of Engender.
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