Closing Scotland's pay gap - WEBINAR

November 15, 2018, 18.00 – 20.00
Your computer, tablet or phone
The booking deadline for this event has passed. If you would like to attend, please email
For the past year, Engender and Close the Gap have been working with the Scottish Government to help them produce a plan for tackling the pay gap in Scotland. This has been a really wide-ranging piece of work, covering root causes of women’s economic equality such as care, social security, and discrimination at work.
We want to speak to women around Scotland about the recommendations for action that we are proposing – we want your views on what’s missing, and what should happen next.
In this webinar we’ll talk about the causes of the pay gap, and run through what we think needs to change. There’ll be plenty of time for discussion, as well as a chance to have any questions answered. All women are welcome to join, whether you’re brand new to the concept of the gender pay gap, or have been banging on about it for years!
How to join
We'll be using a programme called Zoom to host the meeting, and if you haven't used it before it's really simple.
Click on this link when you are ready to join the webinar. Depending on the computer/phone you are using, you may need to 'download and run zoom' when prompted, but this shouldn't take more than a minute, and is just to allow you to enter the meeting.
You'll need speakers, and ideally a video and microphone function. If you don't have this, that's ok as there is also a chat box which we can use if you aren't able to speak directly to the meeting.
If you have any problems at all, you can call the Engender office on 0131 558 9596 and we can talk you through getting set up.
The booking deadline for this event has passed. If you would like to attend, please email
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