What women want (from local councils) - muslim women event

Langside Halls, 5 Langside avenue, Glasgow G41 2QR.
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March 15, 2017, 11.00 – 13.00
Langside Halls, Glasgow
Join Amina, Women 5050 and Engender for a workshop dedicated to the Scottish Local Elections.
We will be talking about what councils actually do and how we overcome the shockingly low number of women councillors (only 4 councillors in Scotland are BME women)
We will be getting your take on the issues that matter and seeking your input into the women's resource we are creating for new councillors.
Come along, have a cuppa with us and let's reclaim local politics.
The event is open to all self-defining muslim women and is a space for political discussion (the event will not have representatives from political parties present).
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