Responses to Engender's call for evidence on CEDAW
Below are responses to Engender's call for evidence on CEDAW from Scottish organisations.
Some submissions contained sensitive information and are therefore not listed here.
4 nations shadow report: CEDAW
4 nations of the UK shadow report to the Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW, the UN Convention on All Forms of Discrimination Against Women
Publication date: January 2019
CEDAW UK Examination: annotated concluding observations
On March 8th 2019 the UN CEDAW Committee released their concluding observations following the UK examination in Geneva.
CEDAW: a superhero for women in Scotland
Often referred to as the ‘women’s bill of rights’, the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Violence Against Women (CEDAW) is the UN’s human rights treaty devoted to women; it spells out in detail women’s human right to equality and non-discrimination, which states that have ratified it must then act to realise.
CEDAW: How can women's rights be better realised in Scotland?
The Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Violence Against Women (CEDAW) is a UN Convention which was signed by the United Kingdom in 1981, and ratified in 1986.
Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW - four nations report
Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW.
Eighth periodic report of the government of the United Kingdom on measures taken to give effect to CEDAW - Scotland report
In 2018 Engender has worked to produce a shadow report on CEDAW, to highlight key issues for women's rights in Scotland.

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