Blog guidelines
We have a few house rules for our blogs:
- Blog posts should be feminist.
- Blog posts should be around 600-1,000 words (although if you need more words to say what you need to say, we can accept longer pieces).
- Use your own voice, but blog posts tend to be more informal than policy papers or academic work. Pith is to be welcomed.
- We will gladly publish reviews of books, films, television shows, or any piece of high or pop culture.
- You are free to link to other sites and embed tweets. Please be judicious in linking to sites that are anti-feminist, even if the purpose in linking to these is to identify this.
- Engender embraces an intersectional feminist approach. We particularly welcome pieces that recognise the lived realities of black & minority ethnic women, trans women, lesbian and bisexual women, and disabled women.
- We reserve the right to edit pieces that are sent to us, for length and clarity. If we make any edits that we feel substantially change the meaning of your submission, we will discuss these with you.
- We cannot guarantee to use all submissions, and will prioritise members’ submissions, and those on topics that we are particularly interested in covering.
- We will not publish pieces that “call out” specific, named feminists. We may publish pieces that critique specific pieces of feminist scholarship or initiatives. We will publish pieces that critique structural oppressions within feminism itself. We aim to be sisterly.
- If your piece relates to an issue around which there are differences within feminism(s) then we may commission other pieces to provide multiple viewpoints, and publish these as a small collection.
- In addition to your blog post, please include a short biography that we can publish underneath your piece. This should be no longer than 50 words, and can include your Twitter handle and links to your own blog/website or your organisation’s website.
- We can include images in our blog posts. If you have an image to use, please send it to us in .gif or .jpeg format. Please let us know that we have the rights to use it, if you own those rights, or let us have the details if it has a Creative Commons license. If you don’t own the rights, or don’t provide the details for a Creative Commons attribution, we will not be able to use the image.
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