
Displaying results 291-300 of 820 matches

The ‘family cap’ and ‘rape clause’: where do we go f...
Home Engender blog | The ‘family cap’ and ‘rape clause’: where do we go from here? Engender blog The ‘family cap’ and ‘rape clause’: where do we go from here? Sometimes

The invisible women in Scotland’s housing system | Engender blog | Eng...
Home Engender blog | The invisible women in Scotland’s housing system Engender blog The invisible women in Scotland’s housing system Housing and homelessness policy in Scotland is ignoring the specific

The mental health gap for women in Scotland | Engender blog | Engender
Home Engender blog | The mental health gap for women in Scotland Engender blog The mental health gap for women in Scotland Women’s social, economic, cultural and political inequality with men undermines good mental

The Scotland Bill or How Not To Do Devolution | Engender blog | Engender
Home Engender blog | The Scotland Bill or How Not To Do Devolution Engender blog The Scotland Bill or How Not To Do Devolution The sunny and warm weather may have arrived in Scotland this week, but there is a definite

There’s more to Scottish sectarianism than the dominant narrative of &...
Home Engender blog | There’s more to Scottish sectarianism than the dominant narrative of ‘men behaving badly’ Engender blog There’s more to Scottish sectarianism than the dominant narrative of

Towards a New Common Chapter | Engender blog | Engender
Home Engender blog | Towards a New Common Chapter Engender blog Towards a New Common Chapter Since spring this year, Engender has been involved in the 'Towards a New Common Chapter' project coordinated by the

UK General Election 2017: Priorities for women’s rights and equality |...
Home Engender blog | UK General Election 2017: Priorities for women’s rights and equality Engender blog UK General Election 2017: Priorities for women’s rights and equality On June 8th 2017 the UK will go to

UN Special Rapporteur's appraisal of sexist UK causes stramash | Engen...
Home Engender blog | UN Special Rapporteur's appraisal of sexist UK causes stramash Engender blog UN Special Rapporteur's appraisal of sexist UK causes stramash If you've caught a newspaper, TV news report,

Using the law to tackle misogyny | Engender blog | Engender
Engender’s Policy and Parliamentary Manager, Eilidh Dickson, has been a member of the Independent Working Group on Misogyny chaired by Baroness Helena Kennedy. Here she reflects on the final report released today

Women and indyref: lessons from a constitutional cafe | Engender blog | Eng...
Home Engender blog | Women and indyref: lessons from a constitutional cafe Engender blog Women and indyref: lessons from a constitutional cafe It has become received wisdom that the independence referendum has provoked

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